Seven Tips to Grow a Queen of the Night Flowers at Your Home.
Epiphyllum oxypetalum- popularly known as Princess or Queen of the night flower blooms only during night & wilt before dawn.
The dutchman’s pipe cactus or Epiphyllum Oxypetalum is popularly known as a princess or a Queen of the Night flower because it rarely blooms and blooms only during the night. A Queen of the night flower blooms- usually between 8 p.m. the night and wilt down before 10 a.m. the very next morning. An interesting fact; about the Queen-of-night flowers is that each flower blooms only for one night. If planted in your home or garden, it can fill your house with a flowery-sweet smell.
Few Benefits to Consider for planting this plant at home or garden
- The Queen-of-night flowers grow fast & can grow up to 10 feet long.
- The plant grows without the requirements of too much sunlight.
- Species of cactus & do not have leaves, which makes them easy to manage.
- Queen of the night flower can be grown in a pot also.
- It does not need too much water to grow.
- Very easy to propagate, need six inches of a leaf.
- The Queen-of-the-night flower smells good & looks good in your home or garden.
My top seven tips for you- to help you maintain the queen of the night flower plants.
- If planted in numbers rather than as a single plant, it gives your garden a better look.
- Keep the Queen-of-the-night plants where a little bit of sunlight comes & not keep it in complete darkness.
- If planted in a pot, make sure that you add little water in the initial days & once it grows up, add water in small amounts.
- Let it grow in a part of your garden or home. The queen of the night looks good when you see them bloom in numbers.
- Keep this flower in a position from when air comes into your home. The queen of flowers smells very good, and feel your home filled with a sweet flowery smell.
- Plant it in a place where proper air and drainage are available.
- The queen of flowers can grow up to 10 feet, so if you put lighting on or around these flowers, then your garden looks good during the night.
The queen of night flowers looks good in numbers, so if you plant these flowers in your house- then on the top of good looks, it smells good too.